By: dc3 On: July 19, 2018 In: main tile Comments: 0

To make giving easier and more convenient, we are changing the way you can give online. To start, simply click Give below. If you have given online before, we are changing systems. We encourage you to cancel your old profile first so you are not charged double for your giving before setting up a new account. To do so, please click Cancel Old Profile and follow the instructions below. If you would like us to cancel your old profile for you, click Cancel for Me or contact Dan Delany at or phone at (651) 294-7722

Cancel Old Profile 

  1. Log on to this Link:
  2. Click on “Your Giving” button
  3. Click on “Schedules” Tab
  4. Under the “Name” Colum click the hyperlinked Date provided
  5. Click “Delete This Schedule” at the bottom left of the page
  6. Click “Okay” when asked “Are You Sure?”
  7. Log out of FellowshipOne

Cancel For Me

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